Monday, 9 May 2011

How to build a Vocabulary?

Vocabulary building is a long term and slow process. It can't be built overnight. So its better to start off early....How to start???

Now few common mistakes that people make (I too made this):
Trying to cram a long wordlist in alphabetical order or some even try to cram the dictionary. But at the end you cant get much out of this method. To learn a new word you must have some sentence which represents the word in context. This help in remembering the word as well as its meaning. But how to retain it? This is the very next question that comes to our mind....You need to use this word in your day to day life to make it a part of your active vocabulary.....Remembering new words is same as remembering names of people....People with whom you interact more, you easily remember their name whereas the people with whom you don't interact much it takes time to remember their name and you tend to forget their name sometimes.

So how to start??

-Word power made easy : I mentioned about this book earlier and again i would like to tell...kindly don't try to search for it on the net.

-second is ...this website is very useful...

-read,read and read and try to derive the meaning of word from contextual usage.

-I will be uploading the vocabulary lectures on this blog.

Thats all for today. Thank you!!