- Have you ever came across a person who is too frank to be artificial. A person who has no pretense or artificiality. He don't have even minuscule amount of qualities like guile, guise, feigning, hoax etc. He is far from craftiness, deceitfulness, deceptiveness, goldbricking. A person who is away from chicanery and dissimulation ( to show some other feeling other than what you have).
- Our words that are synonyms of ingenuous is naive, credulous and gullible. But ingenuous is a complimentary term where as remaining there are derogatory in meaning. Let us see their meanings:
- naive means unworldly. Unknown to how this evil world works. They are innocent. They get convinced too easily. They are inexperienced, unsophisticated (-sophos- means wisdom) and ignorant.
- credulous is from -credo- meaning to believe.
- credibility, credit, incredible are all from the same root.
- gullible are fools. They can be convinced to believe something that is too fantastic for others to believe.
- Few more words that means the same are :
- unworldly
- unsophisticated
- fleeceable
- naif
- green
- dewy eyed
- rounded eyed.
- All the above words have similar meaning. So you are requested to get acquainted with these words. Do speak them a loud in your own voice. Get used to its appearance. Read a lot.
Thank you!!