Monday 1 August 2011

CAT: FasTrack

Are you appearing for CAT 2011? You have less than two months time!! No matter how well you are prepared CAT has a power to make you feel low confident. CAT has always been know for its element of surprise! And this seems to be a valid reason to be worried!?

Well, My answer is a big NO! Because I personally believe in a theory. This theory may not help you get into IIM but it will surely help you to manage your stress (Little bit of stress in good by the way!!) See if you have prepared well....if you have been working hard enough...then there is no need to worry...You have given your best and still you have a one month time to improve. And if you did not work hard then please just stop worrying. If you did not bother to care before then why such trepidation now!! There is no point. Better work hard next time! For those who think they have worked hard but still can't score well. Don't worry! If you have worked hard in right direction (hard and smart work...both are necessary) you will come out with flying colors. You have time! This was my personal advice! 

I said all this because many of my friends who are appearing for CAT this year feel stressed. Some curse their teachers...few say that material was not good...some say CAT is not their piece of cake....etc.... excuses don't let us get anything.

Anyways still we should try to absorb most out of this remaining time. I am just trying to give you an outline to work with.

- Sleep : at least 7 hours (must).If you don't sleep enough you may go blank at CAT paper! Nothing can be worse than this!

-Mocks : Appear for maximum number of mocks. But don't over stress. If your friend appears 7 papers a week...that really does not mean that you have to appear 14 a week. Its ok even if you appear 3. Quality outweighs quantity! Also try to form your strategy!

-Revision: You better start revising your concept! That is must!

-Vocabulary : Just go through word power made easy! (you must know it by heart by now)....And standard word lists.

-Believe in yourself : I don't have anything to tell you about this!


CAT concept: Squares

CAT (common admission test) and other MBA entrance exam use simple sounding topics like square and cubes. But still most of us find it difficult to solve questions about them. Let us see few underlying concepts.

It is advised that once you learn this fundamental, you apply this to original CAT question. Also try to appy them in your day to day practice.

check out this video: