Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Vocabulary session -1

Now we shall learn new words with some proper method. First I will introduce you to the root. Then I will make a list of words from that root. Further that words will be used in context and you are advised to judge its approximate meaning. Then check out its true meaning. It is not at all important that you get the correct answer. But as you work with that word you create a strong impression of that word in your mind. Say that word a loud few times.

Today we shall start with the root BELL. We shall discuss some of the words that gets its meaning from this root.

BELL is a latin root meaning war. So when ever you encounter Bell, that word would have something to do with war.Bellona was a Roman goddess of war while his husband Mars was god of the war.

Following are few of the words that has originated from root BELL.


Words used in context:

  • When world war I was over, French nobility found it impossible to return to their extravagant antebellum way of life.
  • The country often elected bellicose party after a period of  tension along the border, hoping that military action would occur.
  • The belligerence in the emperor's voice told them that the warning was a serious threat.
  • The substitute teacher attempted to end the student rebellion by insisting on absolute quite.

Antebellum: Antebellum is something that was existing before war.

Bellicose: Warlike, quarrelsome, aggressive, brawly (someone who is inclined to brawl), chippy,  discordant, gladiatorial (someone who fights to death), truculent.

Belligerence: Aggressiveness, Combativeness. This word is close to bellicose.

Rebellion: Re means "back or against" + bell means "war". So rebellion means to war against. Rebellion means to oppose openly. Open defiance. It can be sometimes armed. Few close words are insurgence (someone who revolts against the established government, someone who revolts against his own party policies), mutiny, outbreak, revolt, insurrection (to revolt against the civil authority)

Here I end our first session on vocabulary. Don't over dose yourself with words. Rome can not be constructed in a day!!!!!

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